May 2002, Volume 7, Issue 10   
Rev. Mark Connolly
Thought for the Month
What The Good Thief Saw
Rev. Andrew Mead
Saint of the Month
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
Rev. Paul N. Check
For Mothers
For Mothers

St. Anne, because you are the mother of the Mother of God,
motherhood is, in your eyes, a most worthy vocation.

As she becomes a mother, a woman is God's closest collaborator.

Because it is such a perfect symbol of divine life,
human life is what is most precious in the material universe.
As the Son of God assumed human nature,
he raised it to the dazzling heights of the supernatural.
He poured it into his grace, which is the seed of eternal glory.

Saint Anne, you were the privileged mother whom God
appointed to give life to his Son's Mother,
and to train her for her matchless vocation.

Teach Christian mothers how to impart to their children
a clear understanding of life's true values.
Thanks to mothers, a tiny seed will develop and grow to maturity,
to the fullness of God's child and heir.

Saint Anne, pray for our mothers:
pray for all mothers on earth.
Thanks to their mothers,
may all people soon constitute one family
united in the same genuine love for God the Father!


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