September 2002, Volume 8, Issue 2   
Second Journey
Rev. Mark Connolly
Thought for the Month
It takes a Universe
Fr. Tom Berry, C.P.
Saint of the Month
Are You Married
in the Church?

Rev. Paul Check
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Prayer and Remembering
September 11, 2001

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Jesus, beloved Savior,
in remembering
these terrible events,
we recognize our great need
for Your guidance and protection.
We have painfully learned
that our country is vulnerable
and that violence can disrupt
both individuals and nations.
We pray then for healing
for all the people whose lives
were shattered in the attacks.
We pray for those
who defend our freedom.
We pray for wisdom
for our national leaders.
We pray for peace,
for our country and our world.
Jesus, beloved Savior,
as we remember,
hold us in Your loving hands.


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