Spirituality for Today – April 2016 – Volume 20, Issue 9

The 116th Pope
John IX

An image of Pope John IX, the 116th PopePope John IX, the 116th Pope

Pope John IX (898-900) – His short reign was occupied by restoring the image of Pope Formosus, of the infamous Cadaver Synod, and imperial and political matters concerning the See of Rome. He revived the dictates of the Roman Constitution (824) regarding papal lands and the election of popes by the bishops and priests in response to the call of the people. The practice of having imperial representatives present at the consecration of the pope was restored. In respect to the East, the pope sincerely made an effort to keep relations convivial. Pope John confirmed the status of the monastery of Monte Cassino.

Pope John IX was interred in the Basilica of Saint Peter.

Habemus papam