Spirituality for Today – Spring 2017 – Volume 21, Issue 4

Strength and Resilience

Rev. Raymond Petrucci

Fear, anxiety, suspicion are feelings common to this age. One reasonably could make the claim that the twenty-first century will be known as the Century of Terror. How many times have we heard news reports of an attack by a lone terrorist or members of a terrorist group?

Following each attack, politicians assure the victimized community that they are "strong and resilient." Personally, I am tired of hearing that we are strong and resilient and I would prefer to be assured that we are safe and secure.

How we achieve, at least, a comfortable degree of safety and security involves the cooperation and active participation of individuals and security agencies alike. Citizens must adopt the saying, "If you see something, say something." The security agents to whom "something" is said need to work together to respond effectively to all these reports. This is a monumental task. Our politicians are required to propose legislation to aid law enforcement in their work. Perhaps, a new set of anti-terror laws are called for and all of our security agencies must be given all that is required to keep society safe.

Terrorism has once again shown that it is prepared deliberately to stop at nothing in creating human victims. An end must be put to this. As never before, it is vital to unite forces of the entire world community against terror.

Vladimir Putin

Through local and global cooperation among the various security agencies of the world community, a more intense and a more efficacious effort can lead to a much safer world. Factually, the major concern on the terrorism front is from Radical Islamism, but recalling individuals such as Timothy McVeigh, the terrorist may emerge from numerous ideologies.

There is no doubt, however, that the American Islamic community, citizens seeking the American Dream and wishing to live in freedom and peace, are at the core of resolving the problem of terrorist acts inspired by radicalism. Only those devoted to serving a God of love, mercy, justice, and peace can form a bulwark against those who would pervert true religious dogma toward nefarious ends. United as one nation and filled with one hope we can eradicate this threat.

Victory at all costs, victory in spite of terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

Winston Churchill

In the aftermath of an act of terrorism, hopeful slogans such as "love wins," "love defeats hate," as well as other like sentiments portrays a reason for optimism. Speaking from a Christian perspective, the main maxim of moral living is to pursue doing the "loving thing" in all of our actions. What is required is an in-depth consideration of all the different expressions of truly loving procedures in dealing with the difficulties a free society faces. Answers to the threat of terrorism and all the threats to life and liberty inherent in our republic challenges the citizenry to know what principles must live in people's hearts and minds and what it takes to stand defiantly for them. Then, as a nation we bravely and boldly will be strong, resilient, and safe.