Past Issues
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Overcoming Limitations
Rev. Mark Connolly
I would like to share a few thoughts with you on a subject that only you can individually answer. This is going to be complicated. I read a short biographical...
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Why I Love Being A Catholic School Teacher
Ann Marie Donnelly
My grandfather was a gentle man who rejoiced in ordinary everyday occurrences. These things: his sweet-smelling, homegrown carnations...
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The Vocation of Tears
Fr. Paul Check
Although St. Monica died over 1600 years ago, she is a saint whose importance for our times is plain. The English Dominican, Fr. Gerald Vann, wrote that she...
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Amado Nervo
Si eres Pequeño, alégrate, porque tu pequeñez sirve de contraste a otros en el Universo; porque esa pequeñez constituye la razón esencial de su grandeza...
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