Spirituality for Today – Fall 2017 – Volume 22, Issue 1

The 127th Pope
Stephen VIII

Pope Stephen VIII, (939–942) – Elected under the dictatorial rule of Alberic II, Pope Stephen was left to address ecclesiastical concerns only. In like mind to Alberic II, the pope directed much effort to the reforming of monastic life. He did express support for the interests of the French and Burgundian nobility and demanded support for them from their subjects. Pope Stephen also restored from exile the archbishop of Rheims which helped to mollify contentious ness toward King Louis IV. Near the end of his life, the pope may have become entangled in a plot against Alberic II. If the effort fails, this involvement is never a good thing for those on the losing side. He was sent to prison where grave maltreatment hastened his death.

Pope Stephen was interred in the Basilica of Saint Peter.

Habemus papam